My time at TIK:TALK as an intern was an enlightening experience. I mean if I may be BOLD, I had a HELVETICA good time here. Sure, there was always work to be done, but I could KERN less because at least I was doing something that I enjoyed and learning new skills that I would not have even bothered to pick up. Not only was the environment very relaxing and welcoming, but everyone on the creative team was always willing to lend a helping hand. Nothing ever got too ALT of CNTRL here and everybody always seemed to be in COMMAND of their own tasks and prioritized projects accordingly. I am very thankful for this opportunity; I got to see what really happens in the industry and learned a lot about what needs to get done and the communication involved to market a business effectively. I definitely learned that not everything is in #000000 and #ffffff and that there is a GRAYSCALE when designing for a client. And after working here for this short period of time, there are two things I know for sure… That this is the direction I want to pursue for my FUTURA and that PHOTOSHOP does fix everything. My sincerest appreciation for everyone here at Tik:Talk, the TYPE of people that you can’t help but grow FONT of and to the creative juices they continue to stir!
Best Regards,
P.S.- Remember to keep calm and force quit!
[Editor’s Note: We had a blast working with Careenna. Not only did she impress us with her work ethic and abilities, she also entertained us with her witty banter. We definitely think this first experience with an intern was worthy of an A+!!!]